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More protests against Snam LNG facility in Vado

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Genoa, Italy (Ports Europe) September 25, 2023 – There has been a further protest against the proposed Snam LNG facility in Vado, Genoa.

A protest began in front of the entrance to the Liguria Regional Council organized by the coordination of the Savona committees against the regasification terminal project in Vado Ligure on the day of a session of the regional assembly to discuss the proposal. This is primarily a protest in support of the environment.

The Golar Tundra FRSU in Piombino is now operational and will remain there until the second half of 2026. Then, it will be relocated in Vado Ligure, part of the Ports of Genoa system. The project has been approved by the government and will be implemented by Snam.

Locally, the opposition is led by Democratic Party and the M5s, and there is a significant social media presence. There are online petitions and demonstrations.

The protesters believe that the movement of the regasification terminal from Piombino to Vado will cause an irreversible environmental impact and considerable risks for residents, according to Dario Franchello of Legambiente Savona. They are also of the opinion that gas has a climate-altering power and cannot be considered a renewable resource.

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